Contact Information

Tel: 212.854.6731



B.S., Bioengineering, 2011, University of Pennsylvania
M.S., Bioengineering, 2012, University of Pennsylvania
Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, 2017 (expected), Columbia University


Areas of Research Interest

Tissue engineering; synovium; wear particles; inflammation


Amy joined the CEL lab in the fall of 2012, coming from the University of Pennsylvania.  At Penn, Amy worked in the lab of Dr. Robert Mauck on several projects involving electrospun scaffolds for meniscus tissue engineering.  After spending the last few years studying the meniscus, for her doctoral work, Amy is working on developing in vitro models to study the interactions between cartilage wear particles and synovial fibroblasts as well as tissue engineering approaches to study the role of synovial inflammation in osteoarthritis.

In her free time, Amy enjoys drinking coffee, cooking, attending spinning and kickboxing classes, and training to be a kettlebell instructor.

Selected Publications

  1. Estell EG, Murphy LA, Silverstein AM, Tan AR, Shah RP, Ateshian GA, Hung CT. "Fibroblast-Like Synoviocyte Mechanosensitivity to Fluid Shear is Modulated by Interleukin-1α." Journal Biomech. [Epub ahead of print], 2017.
  2. Silverstein AM, Stefani RM, Sobczak E, Tong EL, Attur MG, Shah RP, Bulinski JC, Ateshian GA, Hung CT: Toward Understanding the Role of Cartilage Particulates in Synovial Inflammation. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 25(8):1353-1361, 2017.
  3. Silverstein AM, Stoker AM, Ateshian GA, Bulinski JC, Cook JL, Hung CT: Transient expression of the diseased phenotype of osteoarthritic chondrocytes in engineered cartilage. J Orthop Res 35(4):829-836, 2017.
  4. Baker BM, Shah RP, Silverstein AM, Esterhai JL, Burdick JA, Mauck RL: Instruction without impediment: Tunable sacrificial content in nanofibrous composites enables functional fibrous tissue formation. PNAS 109(35):14176-81, 2012.
  5. Gee AO, Baker BM, Silverstein AM, Montero G, Esterhai JL, Mauck RL: Fabrication and Evaluation of Biomimetic-Synthetic Nanofibrous Composites for Soft Tissue Regeneration. Cell Tissue Res. 347(3):803-13, 2012.